[tracker2] T4 and stuff
kc8sfq@mei.net [tracker2]
2018-06-27 01:24:39 UTC
Hi Scott,
How are the T-4;s coming?
Are they shipping yet?

Is there a separate Yahoo group for them?

I have a ton more questions, but will wait for the group postings. Those often answer my questions.

Thanks and 73, Ron
Scott Miller scott@opentrac.org [tracker2]
2018-06-27 03:32:23 UTC
I'm literally working on it right now, but I'm about to call it a
night.  Haven't been home before 9 PM much lately.  Everything's running
behind schedule right now.  I've actually shipped a couple of units but
there are some things to take care of before more go out.

I'm moving support off of Yahoo groups.  It'll be at
http://forum.argentdata.com - which I just discovered has been hit by a
spambot.  I'll clean that up in the morning.

Right now the most critical bug I'm chasing down is one that causes the
tracker to stop receiving after a time.  Not sure what's going on yet
but I've ruled out a bunch of possibilities and I think I'll have it
sorted out soon.  There's plenty of other cleanup work to be done but
once I get that bug fixed and take care of a few other things we'll
start shipping.

Post by ***@mei.net [tracker2]
Hi Scott,
How are the T-4;s coming?
Are they shipping yet?
Is there a separate Yahoo group for them?
I have a ton more questions, but will wait for the group postings.
Those often answer my questions.
Thanks and 73, Ron
kc8sfq@mei.net [tracker2]
2018-06-28 01:27:21 UTC
Hi Scott,
Thanks for the reply.
I'm probably not a good choice as a beta tester, so I'd better wait a
while. It looks to have a lot of neat capabilities. I'm looking forward to
73, Ron, KC8SFQ
Post by Scott Miller ***@opentrac.org [tracker2]
I'm literally working on it right now, but I'm about to call it a
night.  Haven't been home before 9 PM much lately.  Everything's running
behind schedule right now.  I've actually shipped a couple of units but
there are some things to take care of before more go out.
I'm moving support off of Yahoo groups.  It'll be at
http://forum.argentdata.com - which I just discovered has been hit by a
spambot.  I'll clean that up in the morning.
Right now the most critical bug I'm chasing down is one that causes the
tracker to stop receiving after a time.  Not sure what's going on yet
but I've ruled out a bunch of possibilities and I think I'll have it
sorted out soon.  There's plenty of other cleanup work to be done but
once I get that bug fixed and take care of a few other things we'll
start shipping.
Post by ***@mei.net [tracker2]
Hi Scott,
How are the T-4;s coming?
Are they shipping yet?
Is there a separate Yahoo group for them?
I have a ton more questions, but will wait for the group postings.
Those often answer my questions.
Thanks and 73, Ron
zl1vfo@yahoo.co.uk [tracker2]
2018-06-28 09:21:28 UTC
Hi Scott,
A bit off topic, but do you want a hand killing off spam on http://forum.argentdata.com http://forum.argentdata.com/index.php ?
I see another 10 junk messages since you cleaned it...

Scott Miller scott@opentrac.org [tracker2]
2018-06-28 15:32:57 UTC
Sure, create an account there and I'll make you a moderator.

Post by ***@mei.net [tracker2]
Hi Scott,
A bit off topic, but do you want a hand killing off spam on
http://forum.argentdata.com <http://forum.argentdata.com/index.php> ?
I see another 10 junk messages since you cleaned it...
Bob Burns W9BU w9bu_lists@rlburns.net [tracker2]
2018-06-28 12:03:15 UTC
I'm moving support off of Yahoo groups. It'll be at
http://forum.argentdata.com - which I just discovered has been hit by
a spambot.
Frankly, I'm sorry to see that you've made this decision. I agree that
Yahoo Groups is no longer a stable platform. But, many amateur radio
groups that I'm in have successfully moved to Groups.io. In many cases,
the move has been completely seamless to the users.

The concern I have about you setting up your own forum is that it's just
one more thing for Scott Miller to have to maintain. I know that, in
many respects, Argent Data is a one-man band. You have projects to
design, bugs to squash, products to get produced, and orders to ship.
You probably don't need to have "forum moderator and maintainer" added
to the many hats you wear.

Just my opinion.
